Sunday, May 24, 2009

Vitamin A for Acne

Acne can blow your self esteem in a matter of seconds. So it is important that either you don’t let it happen or if it does happen to you. Take positive steps in order to cure it and not to let it out of your hands to leave acne scars on your face. There are many ways of treatment that you can use to effectively get rid of acne and minimize the chances of acne scars. Out of all the remedies for acne, home remedies are considered as the best option for treating acne scars.
If you are suffering from acne then the first thing to do is to avoid scrubbing. Many people scrub to improve the imperfections of their faces. But the fact is that scrubbing irritates the outer layer of the skin and it may lead to the possibility of getting an open lesion, which in terms infects the skin more. People do scrubbing because of the belief that it breaks up the sebum pockets in and around the follicle and bacteria in the skin. This is totally incorrect and as discussed earlier, scrubbing will only make your acne condition worse. The best solution for acne is to use a topical cream that contains Vitamin A. Use of more vitamin A based products is very beneficial for your skin condition.
The common belief that acne is caused by dirt is also wrong. Acne in not caused by dirt so do not over wash your face to get rid of the dirt on your skin. Properly educate yourself about your skin condition and then choose a proper treatment. Do no go with the high priced products in the market that claim to be the best for acne. If you are not sure about your acne condition then consult your doctor or a dermatologist.


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