Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How To Cure Acne

Acne is skin disease that can affect any one at any stage in life. Hormonal changes in the body and bacteria on skin are mostly blamed for causing acne. This is mostly true because these are the main causes of acne but there are many other factors that come to aid these two causes. So when you are thinking about curing acne of taking measures not to have it. You need to keep a lot of things in mind to do so. First of all, proper knowledge of this disease is important before you go and choose a cure for it. Blindly choosing a cure for acne will not only result in waste of money but it may worsen your acne condition. So be cautious and gain full knowledge of the disease and its remedies before taking any step towards its cure.

The best possible cure for acne is home remedies. Home remedies are mostly comprised of herbs that cause no side effects to its users. Home remedies are easy to use and effective in nature. There are a variety of home remedies from which you can choose from. Or you can comprise a home remedy regime comprised of several remedies. Though home remedies have no visible side effects but some of the herbs are too intense and can cause irritation. So use them only if you are comfortable with the irritation of these herbs.

Cosmetic surgery is also an effective yet expensive way to treat acne. Cosmetic surgery helps you to get rid of acne in a matter of days. That’s what you can expect especially when you are paying couple of thousand dollars for your cosmetic surgery; your acne is guaranteed to be gone.

These are just two common methods to cure acne. Medications are also an option for treating acne. It is better that you consult your doctor or a dermatologist before starting to cure acne.


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