Sunday, May 24, 2009

Acne healing tips

When you are experiencing pimples problem, it’s time to take steps toward its treatment and to curb it before it spreads. You need to prepare yourself and after having an advice from you specialist, keep a medicated soap, hot compress, oil free powder, and ice. These items will help heal the pimples in most soothing manner with lesser possibility of irritation to the patients.

Follow the rationale way and necessary steps to eliminate spreads and to lessen the treatment time. When you deal with a pimple, avoid squeezing it and do not press it, this may cause it leave a scar on your face and also aggravate irritation even after it is removed. In addition to that the process of healing will also slow down with more chances for its spread to other areas as well. Applying ice to the pimple reduces its size and gives comfort and reduces pain. Medication with benzoyl peroxide can be effective but apply it only on the affected area or else this causes dryness to other areas where it is spread unnecessarily.

In case you feel some oily affects at the treated area, you can use oil free powder to avoid any such thing and reduce oily affects. On the other hand, if the pimples have developed a head, there is no need to use ice anymore, now there comes the need to use heat instead. It is used to make the pimple drain. As it receives heat, the circulation is stimulated toward its leak. If you use makeup that causes pores clogging, avoid it and remove it with a cleanser at night, don’t keep that applied whole night that may cause aggravation to the problem.

Though, these remedial measures are effective to most of the patients, it is advised to take necessary advice from your specialist that either this procedure is suitable for you or not. If there is any element that causes irritation to you, stop using it and go for another treatment plan that best matches you skin type.


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